Belfast Garden Club makes donations to Coastal Mountains Land Trust and the Belfast Free Library

The Belfast Garden Club, among other annual donations this month, contributed 16 new books to the gardening and horticulture collection at the Belfast Free Library.

The club has made yearly donations to the library for more than 20 years with the goal of making the library’s selection of gardening-related books one of the strongest in MidCoast Maine, said Barbara Gage, president of the Belfast Garden Club.

The donation included three books for children and 13 books for adults—ranging in topic from the aesthetic to the practical, with many addressing gardening in a changing climate with organic and earth-friendly methods. The books were chosen with the help of the library staff and garden club members and with support from Left Bank Books.

“We are so grateful to the Belfast Garden Club—not only for this recent donation of books to our collection but for all they do throughout the year to make the library’s gardens a showplace for the community,” said Belfast Free Library Director Steve Norman.

This month, the garden club also made a $500 donation to the Coastal Mountains Land Trust’s Waldo County Conservation Initiative to raise funds to acquire and protect 12 additional county properties totaling almost 500 acres.

“It is the generous support of the public as well as club members’ efforts throughout the year that make these gifts possible,” Gage said.

Founded in 1928, the Belfast Garden Club promotes the knowledge and love of gardening, the protection of native flora and fauna, and the importance of beauty in Belfast’s public places.