Open Gardens 2025

Walk through peaceful sanctuaries this summer.

See our neighbors’ gardens at their peak. All the gardens are open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., rain or shine. A donation of $5 is suggested (checks or exact change is appreciated). Please, no dogs. Photographs allowed with the garden owner’s permission.

Saturday, June 14
Deborah Ketter’s Garden
188 Upper Bluff Road, Northport

These beautifully landscaped gardens, with incredible ocean views, feature a large collection of distinctive peonies, including rare and unusual specimens, that should be at their peak in mid-June. The upper garden is a formal terrace with statuary, while the lower gardens are less formal and include many mature sun and shade plantings.

Saturday, June 21 Huntress Avenue Gardens
15 and 19 Huntress Avenue, Belfast

Two next-door neighbors will open their gardens to visitors. Bruce Bryant and Linda Hollis have created a whimsical haven with bright birdhouses and charming feeders in every corner. In a garden filled with plants given by friends, brought from relatives’ homes, and swapped for with other gardeners, Bruce and Linda have allowed change to be the driving force. A runoff stream out back has been rebuilt to preserve the property, and when two trees came down in a storm, new light flooded a shady area. All par for the course for these gardeners, who’ve tilled this soil by themselves since 1996. Next door, Lisa Edwards has made a garden replete with unusual trees and shrubbery. As an extra treat, artist Leslie Moore, who lives directly across the street, will open her studio to visitors.


Saturday, June 28
Donna Fancy’s Garden
33 Londonderry Lane, Belfast

This stunning sequence of gardens, designed by the homeowner, features hardscapes and plantings to deal with a challenging sloped site. The extraordinary design features beautiful specimen trees, shrubs, perennials, and annuals for both sun and shade. With a goal of limiting the lawn area, the owner began to establish gardens in full sun. Over 21 years, the tree canopy has spread and more shade has come to previously sunny spots. Spontaneity, flexibility, and determination have been the cornerstones of this gardener’s practice.


Saturday, July 5
Greg Larson’s Garden
17 Tuva Trail, Lincolnville

An enthusiastic gardener with myriad tales to tell of the growth of his gardens, Greg has a passion for unusual trees, textures, colors, and landscapes. Paths wind through sun and shade perennial gardens dotted with strawberries, fruit trees, stonework, and rare plantings.

OG25 Fishman-Bronstein Cottage garden

Saturday, July 12
The Bronstein-Fishman Garden
39 Homestead Close, Belfast

Both accomplished artists, homeowners Marcie Bronstein and Alan Fishman have created a multitude of perennial gardens that invite the visitor to wander. The gardens’ inspired combinations of color and shape form a soothing space to explore. As the gardens have cycled through their changes over the 29 years Marcie and Alan have owned the house, they have taught the gardeners much about doing more with less, adopting simplicity, and enjoying the quiet beauty unfolding around them. As a bonus, both artists’ studios will be open during the tour.

OG25Bronstein-Fishman Studio

Saturday, July 19
Law and Kathy Fotterall’s Garden 
71 Bayview Street, Belfast


Espaliered hydrangeas, meandering paths across a terraced hillside, and beautiful plantings thoughtfully address color and texture in this garden located just a block from Belfast Bay. Expansive sun and shade gardens invite visitors to stop and appreciate this superb collection of annuals, perennials, trees, and shrubbery. The front walled garden is filled with herbs and vegetables, while the steep hillside garden abounds with evergreens.

Saturday, July 26  
Two Searsport Gardens
15 Water Street and 27 Union Street, Searsport

A three-minute drive separates these two delightful Searsport gardens. Jim Rose’s garden on Water Street has changed significantly since it was on the tour in 2020. The challenging site slopes down to a backyard brook, with lovely stonework, unusual conifers, deciduous trees, and perennials lining the meandering path. Artist Sandi Cirillo’s award-winning conservation garden on Union Street comprises three acres of fields, woodlands, marshes, and stream. Sandi will be on hand with advice about ecological insect control and wildlife support.


Saturday, August 2

Two Gardens: A Tribute to Steve Moody

111 Union Street and 30 Northport Avenue, Belfast

A close-up of the pink blooms of the Joe Pye Weed, a native plant in Maine.

Homeowners Carol Harrell and David and Bobbie Perry will share their stunning gardens, both designed by Steve Moody. These gardens highlight the use of stonework, driftwood, and ornaments in addition to expertly crafted sun, shade, and woodland plantings. A stone-trellised hill, a pergola, and a driftwood arbor are some prominent features to watch for in Carol’s garden. In the Perry garden, you’ll find a half-acre of beloved flowering shrubs such as mock orange and roses, black-eyed susans, lavender, and yucca. A row of cedar trees provides a border designed by the homeowners, while Moody installed a three-level rock garden with stone steps.

Saturday, August 16
Frogmore Flower Farm Gardens
66 Monroe Highway, Brooks


Frogmore Flower Farm is a great place to be inspired and to discover what you might want to add to your own garden. Row upon row of annuals and many unusual specimens in two large gardens give way to the perennial beds and a welcoming community space. Visitors are invited to pick and purchase their own bouquets to enjoy at home.