Public Gardens

Crab Apple Allee, Margaret’s Point, the Water Loo: We maintain 13 public gardens in Belfast. One of them, the Pollinator Garden at Wales Park, was recently certified by the state as the place to be for Belfast bees. This is hands-on, dig-deep work, funded by the club and supported in part by some of our  friends in town. Grab a map (PDF) and make a visit.  

Want to dig in? Join us.  Want to keep these beauties going? Donate.

Ann Mullen Memorial Garden at Wales Park

Belfast Free Library gardens

Belfast Harbor Public Landing

City Hall garden

City Park Crab Apple Allee

Coast Guard Station

Grove Cemetery Chapel gardens

Margaret’s Point garden

Police Station garden

Police Station garden – Upper

Pollinator Garden at Wales Park Community Garden

Post Office Square garden

Gardens surrounding public restrooms at the Belfast wharf, a.k.a. “Water Loo.”