“A is for amaranth, B is for breadfruit. . .”
Contributed by Charlotte Holmes, Co-Chair, Communications Committee
Contributed by Charlotte Holmes, Co-Chair, Communications Committee
Contributed by Carol Herwig, TWiG committee chair Henry Mitchell was the garden columnist for The Washington Post, appearing weekly in thefeature section for more than 25 years. He must shoulder some of the blame for my interest in gardens and plants and trees, although he was more of a azalea man than an oak fan.He wrote about the right way to dig an iris bed, about how to adorn the fence between yourand your neighbor’s yard, about how to plant a clematis (dig deep, spread the roots and waitthree years).His columns were collected in a series of books – my…
Members of the TWiG committee, led by the indefatigable Carol Herwig, have been busy this autumn clearing brush in the designated patch forest area of Wales Park. Culling over a thousand Norway maple seedlings by hand, girdling larger volunteer trees, and trimming low-growing and damaged branches on other trees kept the committee busy after meetings, but the work couldn’t have been completed without the help of Belfast Area High School students who volunteered time and labor as part of their hands-on learning in an environmental studies class. Park visitors will enjoy a safer landscape in the area where trees have…
Allison Beards was nominated and unanimously voted by the BGC board to be given an honorary membership in recognition of her 26 years of leadership, hard work and dedication to the mission of the Belfast Garden Club. Allison has provided detailed, contextual information to the Executive Board and membership on a range of issues. Her contribution and longstanding perspective to the club is highly respected and valued by the whole membership. Allison joined the Belfast Garden Club in 1998 and has held a number of positions, including Vice President, Corresponding Secretary, account co-manager of BGC FaceBook page, Book Donations,…
Stop by the Belfast Free Library on your perambulations about town during the holiday season and you’ll find not only the Giving Tree near the High Street entrance but upstairs in the Gammons Room, another dazzling tree decorated by BGC members!
TWiG Committee Chair and licensed arborist Carol Herwig and soil scientist and TWiG Committee super volunteer Fred Bowers gave a talk to the Belfast Rotary Club at their monthly lunch on Wednesday, December 4. Fred explained the iTree software the Committee uses to inventory trees, while Carol described the overall tree inventory project, funded by a Canopy grant from the Maine Department of Environmental Resources and endorsed by the City of Belfast. Six months into the 18-month grant period, TWiG has cataloged 1,641 trees growing on city property along the town’s roadways, begun the development of a patch forest in…