
“Fly Rod” Crosby Debuts at the P.O.

“Fly Rod” Crosby Debuts at the P.O.

Cornilia “Fly Rod” Crosby once stated, “I am a plain woman of uncertain age, standing six feet in my stockings…I scribble a bit for various sporting journals, and I would rather fish any day than go to heaven.” Crosby was born on November 10, 1854 in Philips, Maine. In 1897, she became the first registered guide in the state, and for many years wrote a popular newspaper column about the Maine outdoors that was nationally syndicated. Her stories of life in the wild were an inspiration to girls and women of the era, and had much to do with popularizing…

The Scarecrow Builders

The Scarecrow Builders

Belfast Garden Club members gathered at the Alden House to build a scarecrow replica of Maine’s first guide, Cornilia “Fly Rod” Crosby. Crosby will soon take up residence in Post Office Square, where she will spend the autumn looking longingly down to Belfast Bay.

Belfast Garden Club 2024 Book Donations

Belfast Garden Club 2024 Book Donations

We’re excited to announce that the Book Donations Committee, co-chaired by Sharon Davenport and Marcia Ladd-Spears, has purchased and donated twenty-five books to three area libraries. These purchases are made with funds generated by the Belfast Garden Club’s spring plant sale and the summer open gardens days. Belfast Library Book Donations 2024 Adults: Wild: The Naturalistic Garden by Noel Kingsbury                                                                                                   The Seasonal Gardener:  Creative Planting Combinations by Anna Pavord The Regenerative Garden:  80 Practical Projects for Creating a Self-Sustaining Garden Ecosystem by Stephanie Rose Companion Planting:  A Beginner’s Guide to Companion Planting Secrets by Chauncey Cruz Jr. The Forager’s Guide…

Wales Park Patch Forest

Wales Park Patch Forest

Come to Wales Park, at the corner of Lincolnville Avenue and Main Street, to add your muscle and your expertise to the creation of an in-town patch forest. Volunteers are needed beginning at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, October 9 and Friday, October 11 to work with Belfast Area High School students (under the supervision of teacher David Thomas) and members of the TWiG committee to clear brush and thin trees along the park’s perimeter. The patch forest is a collaborative educational project between the Belfast Garden Club, the City of Belfast, and the Belfast Area High School. Urban patch forests…

Open Gardens 2024

Open Gardens 2024

Open Gardens 2024 is off to a great start. As with the Plant Sale, many volunteers work to make this a successful event. Committee co-chairs Penny and Barry Hanstein (above) wish to thank everyone involved, from those who found the featured gardens, to the communications committee that helped publicize the events, to the BGC volunteers who work the admissions tables, to the garden owners themselves–everyone’s contributions are necessary! Thanks to all.